Criminal Record Check Coverage

Database Searched Description Beginning


Locate individually or jointly filed bankruptcies. Includes case number, filing date, chapter filed, disposition (if available) and disposition date (if available). 10 Years

Credit Reports
(provided by Experian)

Obtain a credit profile, including a FICO score, on prospective tenants or gain insight into a potential employee's credit background. N/A

Court Searches

Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year County-Level Felony and Misdemeanor Criminal Records and seven-year Federal District Criminal Records. N/A

Education Verification

Education verification specialists will contact the school or university your applicant attended to verify their education. N/A

Employment Verification

Employment verification specialists will contact your applicant's current and/or previous employers to verify their employment. N/A
Database Searched Description Beginning

Baldwin County
Arrest Logs

Baldwin County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.


Houston County
Arrest Logs

Houston County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.


Mobile County
Arrest Logs

Mobile County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.


Tuscaloosa County
Arrest Logs

Tuscaloosa County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.


Department of

Statewide Current Inmates. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results. 2004


Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant. 7 Years

Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Alabama for the last three years. N/A

Court Searches

Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year Alabama Statewide Criminal Records. N/A

Sexual Offenders

Alabama Department of Public Safety's registry of criminal sex offenders. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator. 1999
Database Searched Description Beginning

Court Records

Administrative Office of Courts record of statewide felony and misdemeanor convictions. Results may include known aliases. 1980


Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant. 7 Years

Sexual Offenders

Alaska Department of Public Safety's central registry of sex offenders required to register. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning

Maricopa County
Arrest Logs

Maricopa County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition. Historical Coverage. Last Update: October 22, 2004.


Maricopa County
Court Records

Maricopa County Superior Court Index 2003

Mohave County
Court Records

Clerk of Superior Court - Felony and misdemeanor court records. 1993

Court Records

Administrative Office of Courts statewide traffic and felony convictions for 12 of 15 counties covering 137 out of 180 courts. 1950

Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.



Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant. 7 Years

Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Arizona for three years or five years. N/A

Sexual Offenders

Arizona Department of Public Safety registry of sex offenders released from jail/prison or sentenced to probation on or after June 1,1996 with risk assessment scores of Level 2 (Intermediate) or Level 3 (High). Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning

Court Records

Administrative Office of Courts statewide felony and misdemeanor convictions. Results may include known aliases. 1987
Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case number, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results. Historical Coverage. Last Update: March 19, 2007.


Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant. 7 Years

Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Arkansas for the last three years. Customer must complete the applicable forms and provide them to LexisNexis Express Screening prior to accessing MVRs for this State. N/A

Sexual Offenders

Arkansas Crime Information Center's registry of criminal sex offenders. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator. 1997
*Consumer reports generated in connection with employment in California will not contain (i) conviction information if more than seven years have elapsed since the disposition, release, or parole date associated with such information; or (ii) arrest information unless the arrest resulted in a conviction.
Database Searched Description Beginning
Fresno County
Arrest Logs

Fresno County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Kings County
Arrest Logs

Kings County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Case Filing Date, County, DOB, Race, Height, Sex, Weight, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Los Angeles County
Arrest Logs

Los Angeles County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition. Historical Coverage. Last Update: August 16, 2004.

Orange County
Arrest Logs

Orange County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Riverside County
Arrest Logs

Riverside County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

San Bernardino County
Arrest Logs

San Bernardino County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

San Diego County
Arrest Logs

San Diego County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition. Historical Coverage. Last Update: October 22, 2004.

Solano County
Arrest Logs

Solano County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Tehama County
Arrest Logs

Tehama County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Case Filing Date, County, DOB, Race, Height, Sex, Weight, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Fresno County
Court Records

Superior Court index of felony and misdemeanor records. Results may include known aliases. Historical Coverage. Last Update: September 19, 2003.

Los Angeles County
Court Records

Superior Court index of felony records. Results may include known aliases.

Orange County
Court Records

Superior Court index of felony and misdemeanor records. Results may include known aliases.

Riverside County
Court Records

Superior Court index of criminal court records.

San Bernardino County
Court Records

Superior Court index of felony and misdemeanor records. Results may include known aliases.

Santa Cruz County
Court Records

Superior Court index of criminal court records. Historical Coverage. Last Update: August 3, 2004.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
*Consumer reports generated in connection with employment in Colorado will not contain conviction information if more than seven years have elapsed since the disposition, release, or parole date associated with such information.
Database Searched Description Beginning
Pitkin County
Arrest Logs

Pitkin County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, DOB, Sex, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Weld County
Arrest Logs

Weld County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, DOB, Sex, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Denver County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Criminal Court Records.

Department of

Statewide felony and some misdemeanor convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates, charges and image when available. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year Colorado Statewide Criminal Records.


Sexual Offenders

Colorado Bureau of Investigation and Department of Public Safety. Certain high-risk registered sex offenders in the following categories: Sexually Violent Predator (SVP), Multiple Offenses, and Failed to Register. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Court Records
Administrative Office of Courts statewide database of felonies, misdemeanors and traffic violations. Results may include known aliases.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Department of

Statewide felony and misdemeanor convictions where conviction resulted in time served. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year Connecticut Statewide Criminal Records.

Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Connecticut Moving Violations 3 years
DUI, Evading Responsibility, Driving Under Suspension 10 Years
Suspensions Indefinite, until restored.


Sexual Offenders

Connecticut Department of Public Safety Division of State Police sexual offender registry pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes 54-250 through 54-261which mandate the Connecticut Department of Public Safety establish and maintain a central registry of persons who have been convicted of certain sexual offenses and are required to register under the general statutes. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Delaware for the last three years.


Sexual Offenders

Delaware State Police and State Bureau of Identification registry of offenders convicted after June 24, 1994 for sex offenses specified under Delaware Law are required to register. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Department of

District felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results. Historical Coverage. Last Update: May 15, 2003.

Sexual Offenders

District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department - Class A & B registered sex offenders. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Brevard County
Arrest Logs

Brevard County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Escambia County
Arrest Logs

Escambia County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Hillsborough County
Arrest Logs

Hillsborough County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Lake County
Arrest Logs

Lake County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree.

Martin County
Arrest Logs

Martin County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, SSN, Sex, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree.

Miami-Dade County
Arrest Logs

Miami-Dade County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Palm Beach County
Arrest Logs

Palm Beach County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Sarasota County
Arrest Logs

Sarasota County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Volusia County
Arrest Logs

Volusia County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Court Records
Administrative Office of Courts statewide database of felonies, misdemeanors and traffic convictions. Historical Coverage. Last Update: October 8, 2003.

Alachua County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, misdemeanor and traffic records.

Bay County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, misdemeanor and criminal traffic records.

Brevard County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, misdemeanor and criminal traffic records.

Charlotte County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, misdemeanor and criminal traffic records..

Duval County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, misdemeanor and traffic violations.

Hernando County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, Misdemeanor and Ordinance Violation records.

Highlands County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, misdemeanor and traffic violations.

Hillsborough County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: County criminal court and traffic court records.

Indian River County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: County Felony, Misdemeanor and Criminal Traffic records.

Lake County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: County traffic court records.

Lee County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: County Felony, Misdemeanor, Traffic records and Municipal Ordinance Violations. Historical Coverage. Last Update: September 14, 2004.

Manatee County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: County Felony, Misdemeanor, Traffic records and Municipal Ordinance Violations.

Marion County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Miami-Dade County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: County felony convictions.

Osceola County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, misdemeanor and traffic violations.

Palm Beach County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: County felony records.

Pasco County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, misdemeanor and criminal traffic records.

Pinellas County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, misdemeanor and traffic violations. Historical Coverage. Last Update: March 23, 2007.

Department of

Statewide felony convictions and felony charges plea bargained to misdemeanor with resulting incarceration of more than one year. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates, charges and image when available. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.


Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Florida for three years or seven years.


Sexual Offenders

Florida Department of Law Enforcement registry of offenders classified as sexual predators and sexual offenders under Florida law because of a conviction for a sex-related crime and/or a specified crime against children. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Bibb County
Arrest Logs

Bibb County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Chatham County
Arrest Logs

Chatham County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Dawson County
Arrest Logs

Dawson County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Case Filing Date, County, DOB, Race, Height, Sex, Weight, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Fulton County
Arrest Logs

Fulton County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Gwinnett County
Arrest Logs

Gwinnett County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Cobb County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, misdemeanor and traffic violations.

Department of

Statewide felony and some misdemeanor convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates, charges and image when available. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Sexual Offenders

Georgia Bureau of Investigation registry of information pertaining to sex offenders who have been released from prison, placed on probation, parole, or supervised release after July 1, 1996. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Court Records
Statewide database of felonies, misdemeanors, traffic, and ordinance violations.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years

Sexual Offenders

Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center's registry of criminal sex offenders. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Ada County
Arrest Logs

Ada County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, and Arrest Level/Degree.

Department of

Statewide felony and some misdemeanor convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Idaho for the last three years.

Sexual Offenders

Idaho State Police sex offender registry for persons convicted of the crime or an attempt, a solicitation, or a conspiracy to commit one or more felony offenses enumerated in Section 18-8304 Idaho Code. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Cook County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, misdemeanor and traffic violations.

Cook County
Arrest Logs

Cook County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Peoria County
Arrest Logs

Peoria County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates, charges and image when available. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Illinois. Accidents are reported for up to four and one-half years from the date of conviction, unless the accident involved a fatality then they are reported up to five years from the date of conviction. Moving violations are reported up to four and one-half years from the date of conviction. DUI records are reported up to seven years from the termination date. Serious violations involving commercial vehicles, such as driving under the influence, leaving the scene of an accident and felony convictions are reported up to years past conviction date. Records for CDL Drivers involving accidents or other serious convictions (any vehicle) are reported up to ten years past conviction date; minor convictions up to three years past conviction date; withdrawal actions up to 55 years past withdrawal date or three years past reinstatement date.


Sexual Offenders

Illinois State Police sex offenders required to register in the State of Illinois. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Indiana for the last seven years.

Sexual Offenders

Indiana Sheriff's Department registry of sexual offenders. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Court Records
Administrative Office of Courts statewide database of felonies, misdemeanors, traffic convictions, and ordinance violations.

Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year Iowa Statewide Criminal Records.

Department of

Statewide felony and some misdemeanor convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results. Historical Coverage. Last Update: October 20, 2006.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Iowa. Non-moving violations are reported for up to three years. Moving violations are reported up to five to seven years (unless CMV). OWI records are reported for up to ten years Information on suspensions is reported for six months to twelve years if closed, or indefinitely if open.

Sexual Offenders

Department of Public Safety registry of individuals beginning July 1, 1995 who have been convicted or adjudicated of a criminal offense against a minor, sexual exploitation, or a sexually violent crime or who was on probation, parole, or work release status, or who was incarcerated on or after July 1, 1995 for the aforementioned crimes. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

*Consumer reports generated in connection with employment in Kansas will not contain conviction information if more than seven years have elapsed since the disposition, release, or parole date associated with such information.
Database Searched Description Beginning
Department of

Statewide felony and some misdemeanor convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates, charges and image when available. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Kansas. Accidents and minor moving violations are reported for up to three years from conviction date. Major moving violations are reported for up to five years from conviction date. DWI records can be obtained indefinitely. Records regarding suspensions can be obtained three to five years from conviction date.

Sexual Offenders

Kansas Bureau of Investigation registry of convicted sexual offenders who committed their offenses after April 14, 1994. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

*Consumer reports generated in connection with employment in Kentucky will not contain arrest information unless the arrest resulted in a conviction.
Database Searched Description Beginning
Department of

Statewide felony and some misdemeanor convictions when incorporated as part of felony charge. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates, charges and image when available. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Kentucky for the last three years.

Sexual Offenders

Kentucky State Police registry of sexual offenders convicted after July 15, 1994; or incarcerated or sentenced after July 15, 1998; if the person has been convicted of an offense under the laws of another state or territory that would require registration if committed in Kentucky; or if the person has been committed or designated as a Sexually Violent Predator under the laws of another state or territory or under federal law. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
St. Tammany County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Department of

Statewide database of currently incarcerated inmates. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges.
Current/active inmates

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Louisiana for the last three years.

Sexual Offenders

Louisiana State Police sex offender registry. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

*Consumer reports generated in connection with employment in Maine will not contain conviction information if more than seven years have elapsed since the disposition, release, or parole date associated with such information.
Database Searched Description Beginning
Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results. Historical Coverage. Last Update: February 8, 2006.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Maine for the last three years.

Sexual Offenders

Maine sex offender registry, maintained by the Maine State Police, State Bureau of Identification. Information is only provided for those individuals that are required to register pursuant to Title 34-A MRSA, Chapter 15. Registration is limited to those individuals sentenced for a requisite offense on or after June 30, 1992.

*Consumer reports generated in connection with employment in Maryland will not contain conviction information if more than seven years have elapsed since the disposition, release, or parole date associated with such information.
Database Searched Description Beginning
Court Records
Statewide database of felony, misdemeanor and traffic convictions.

Department of

Statewide Roster. Results may include date of birth and DOC number.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Maryland for the last three years. Customer must complete the applicable forms and provide them to LexisNexis Express Screening prior to accessing MVRs for this State.

Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year Maryland Statewide Criminal Records.

Sexual Offenders

Maryland Department of Public Safety registered sex offenders convicted in Maryland of specific sexual offenses (or of comparable offenses if convicted in another state, federal, military, or Native American tribal court) that occurred on or after October 1, 1995 (or before October 1, 1995, if in the custody or under the supervision of a "supervising authority" on October 1, 2001). Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

*Consumer reports generated in connection with employment in Massachusetts will not contain conviction information if more than seven years has elapsed since the disposition, release, or parole date associated with such information.
Database Searched Description Beginning

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Massachusetts.  The driving record will show all reported in-state and out-of-state convictions dating back to the mid 1980’s for a driver (who has been a MA resident since that time). Otherwise, the record will show convictions from the date after the mid 1980’s that the person obtained a MA license.


Sexual Offenders

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry Board. Any information provided by either the police or the Sex Offender Registry Board will be limited only to offenders who have been finally classified by the Board as Level 2 or Level 3 offenders or Sexually Violent Predators. The law prohibits the Board and police departments from disseminating any information on a sex offender who has not been finally classified by the Board or who has been finally classified as a Level 1 offender.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Kent County
Arrest Logs

Kent County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Oakland County
Arrest Logs

Oakland County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Wayne County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor convictions.

Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Michigan for the last five years. Customer must complete the applicable forms and provide them to LexisNexis Express Screening prior to accessing MVRs for this State.

Sexual Offenders

Michigan State Police sex offender registry. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Court Records
Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension database of felonies and misdemeanors including parolees. Parolees with a five-year clean record are not included. Results may include known aliases. Historical Coverage. Last Update: June 1, 2007.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Minnesota for the last five years.

Sexual Offenders

Minnesota Department of Public Safety level three offenders who have been determined to be at the highest risk for re-offense out of all of the three risk levels. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Hinds County
Court Records

Circuit Court felony, misdemeanor and traffic violations. Results may include known aliases used by applicant.

Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Mississippi for the last three years.

Sexual Offenders

Mississippi Department of Public Safety registry of persons residing in this state who have been convicted, acquitted by reason of insanity or twice adjudicated delinquent for any covered sex offense or attempted sex offense. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
St. Francois County
Arrest Logs

St. Francois County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Court Records
Administrative Office of Courts statewide database of felonies, misdemeanors and traffic convictions. Results may include known aliases.

Department of

Missouri Department of Corrections. Statewide felony convictions and supervised misdemeanors. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years

Sexual Offenders

Local Sheriff's Departments for specific cities. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

*Consumer reports generated in connection with employment in Montana will not contain conviction information if more than seven years have elapsed since the disposition, release, or parole date associated with such information.
Database Searched Description Beginning
Yellowstone County
Arrest Logs

Yellowstone County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Montana for the last three years.

Sexual Offenders

Montana Department of Justice registry of sexual and violent offenders. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Department of

Statewide felony and some misdemeanor convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Nebraska for the last five years.

Sexual Offenders

Nebraska State Patrol registry of high-risk level 3 sex offenders. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Department of

State Police statewide current and prior inmates. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Nevada for the last three years.

*Consumer reports generated in connection with employment in New Hampshire will not contain conviction information if more than seven years have elapsed since the disposition, release, or parole date associated with such information.
Database Searched Description Beginning
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of New Hampshire for the last five years. Customer is required to have a New Hampshire state release form (DSMV 505) signed and notarized by the prospective applicant/employee prior to running the search. The state release form must be kept on file by the customer and made available upon request by LexisNexis.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years

Sexual Offenders

New Hampshire Department of Safety registry of sexual offenders who have committed certain criminal offenses against children. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Court Records
Administrative Office of Courts statewide database of felonies, misdemeanors and traffic convictions. Results may include known aliases.

Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results. Historical Coverage. Last Update: May 7, 2003.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of New Jersey for the last five years.

Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year New Jersey Statewide Criminal Records.

Sexual Offenders

New Jersey State Police registry of sex offenders determined to pose a relatively high risk of re-offense (tier 3 offenders) and, with certain exceptions, information about sex offenders found to pose a moderate risk of re-offense (tier 2 offenders). Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

*Consumer reports generated in connection with employment in New Mexico will not contain (i) conviction information if more than seven years have elapsed since the disposition, release, or parole date associated with such information; or (ii) arrest information unless the arrest resulted in a conviction.
Database Searched Description Beginning
Bernalillo County
Arrest Logs

Bernalillo County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Department of

Statewide felony and some misdemeanor convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of New Mexico for the last three years.

Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year New Mexico Statewide Criminal Records.

Sexual Offenders

New Mexico Department of Public Safety registry of those individuals convicted of certain sex offenses on or after July 1,1995, or those individuals convicted of a sex offense prior to that date and were incarcerated or on probation/parole as of that date. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

*Consumer reports generated in connection with employment in New York will not contain (i) conviction information if more than seven years have elapsed since the disposition, release, or parole date associated with such information; or (ii) arrest information unless the arrest resulted in a conviction.
Database Searched Description Beginning
Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of New York for the last five years.

Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year New York Statewide Criminal Records.

Sexual Offenders

New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services registry of information on those registered level 3 sex offenders who committed their crimes after January 21, 1996. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Cabarrus County
Arrest Logs

Cabarrus County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Mecklenburg County
Arrest Logs

Mecklenburg County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Rowan County
Arrest Logs

Rowan County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Court Records
Administrative Office of Courts statewide database of felonies, misdemeanors and traffic convictions. Results may include known aliases.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Department of

Statewide felony convictions and some misdemeanor convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of North Carolina for three years or seven years.

Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year North Carolina Statewide Criminal Records.

Sexual Offenders

North Carolina Department of Justice registry of persons convicted on or after January 1, 1996 of a reportable offense or who have been released from a penal institution on or after January 1, 1996 for a reportable offense. A person convicted in a federal jurisdiction of an offense which is substantially similar to a reportable offense as set out in this law is subject to registration if the person was convicted on or after April 3, 1997 or released from a penal institution on or after April 3, 1997. A person convicted of solicitation to commit, conspiracy to commit, or aiding and abetting may be included if the person committed the offense on or after December 1, 1999. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of North Dakota for the last three years.


Sexual Offenders

North Dakota Office of Attorney General Bureau of Criminal Investigation registry of offenders who are identified as lifetime registrants as defined by law, or have been designated as high-risk offenders by the Attorney General's Risk Level Committee. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Adams County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Allen County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Auglaize County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Butler County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Champaign County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, Misdemeanor and Municipal Violation records.

Clermont County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts:  Felony, Misdemeanor and Traffic records.

Columbiana County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts:  Felony and Misdemeanor records.

Delaware County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts:  Felony and Misdemeanor records.

Fairfield County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records

Franklin County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Fulton County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, Misdemeanor, Traffic and Municipal Violation records.

Greene County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Hamilton County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records. Historical Coverage.
Last Updated: March 5, 2007.

Hancock County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony records.

Hardin County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Lake County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Licking County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Mahoning County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Medina County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Montgomery County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Monroe County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts:  Felony and misdemeanor records.

Noble County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts:  Felony and misdemeanor records.

Portage County
Court Records

Superior Court index of felony, misdemeanor, and traffic records. Results may include known aliases.

Putnam County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts:  Felony, misdemeanor, and traffic records. Results may include known aliases.

Richland County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and Misdemeanor records.

Sandusky County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts:  Felony and misdemeanor records.

Tuscarawas County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts:  Felony records.

Warren County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts:  Felony and misdemeanor records. Historical Coverage. Last Update: May 17, 2006.

Wayne County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: County court records.

Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Ohio for the last three years. Customer must complete the applicable forms and provide them to LexisNexis Express Screening prior to accessing MVRs for this State.

Sexual Offenders

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. Sexual predators: a person who is convicted of a sexually violent offense and is found by the sentencing court to be a sexual predator. Habitual sex offenders: a person previously convicted of one or more sexually oriented offenses and sentencing judge determines community notification is necessary for that individual. The act applies to anyone released after January 1, 1997 regardless of when the individual was sentenced. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Carter County
Arrest Logs

Carter County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Case Filing Date, County, DOB, Race, Height, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Court Records
Statewide database of felony and some misdemeanor convictions. Results may include known aliases.

Canadian County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Cleveland County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Comanche County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Ellis County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts:  Felony and misdemeanor records.

Garfield County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts:  Felony and Misdemeanor records.

Logan County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts:  Felony and Misdemeanor records.

Oklahoma County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony records. Historical Coverage. Last Update: November 30, 2006.

Payne County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Pushmataha County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Roger Mills County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Rogers County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Tulsa County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony and misdemeanor records.

Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates, charges and image when available. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR

Driving records in the State of Oklahoma for the last three years.

Sexual Offenders

Oklahoma Department of Corrections registry of habitual and aggravated sex offenders. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Clackamas County
Arrest Logs

Clackamas County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Case Filing Date, County, DOB, Race, Height, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Josephine County
Arrest Logs

Josephine County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Lane County
Arrest Logs

Lane County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Multnomah County
Arrest Logs

Multnomah County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Case Filing Date, County, DOB, Race, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Washington County
Arrest Logs

Washington County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Yamhill County
Arrest Logs

Yamhill County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, Height, Sex, Weight, Eyes, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Court Records
Administrative Office of Courts statewide database of felonies, misdemeanors and traffic convictions. Results may include known aliases.

Department of

Judiciary department statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year Oregon Statewide Criminal Records.

Sexual Offenders
Oregon State Police sex offender registry. Access to sex offender information in Oregon is provided to the public as the result of the Jacob Wetterling Registration Act, which was passed by the United States Congress and Megan's Law, which requires states to release relevant information about registered offenders to protect the public. Results may include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Court Records
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania statewide felony, misdemeanor and traffic court records.

Department of

Statewide database of currently incarcerated inmates. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Current/active inmates
Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.


Sexual Offenders

Pennsylvania State Police registry of sexually violent predators convicted on or after July 8, 2000. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Court Records
Rhode Island Supreme Court database of statewide criminal court and traffic court records. Results may include known aliases. Historical Coverage. Last Update: May 5, 2005.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Rhode Island for the last three years.

Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year Rhode Island Statewide Criminal Records.

Sexual Offenders

Rhode Island Parole Board Sex Offender Community Notification Unit. Pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws 11-37, these individuals have been designated as Level III Sex Offenders by the Sex Offender Board of Review and/or the Superior Court. The Board and/or the Court have determined that these individuals are at a high risk to re-offend and that the degree of dangerousness posed to the public is such that a public safety interest is served by the providing information to the public. Registry for persons convicted of the crime or an attempt, a solicitation, or a conspiracy to commit one or more felony offenses enumerated in Section 18-8304 Idaho Code. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Greenville County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, Misdemeanor and Traffic Violation records.

York County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, Misdemeanor and Traffic Violation records.

Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of South Carolina for the last three years.


Sexual Offenders

South Carolina Law Enforcement Division registry of all registered adult sex offenders (age 17 and over). Information also is provided for registered sex offenders (age 16-12) committing certain offenses. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of South Dakota for the last three years.


Sexual Offenders

South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation Sexual Offender Registry. Anyone residing in South Dakota with a felony sex crime conviction, including out-of-state of federally-convicted sex offenders, must register for their lifetime. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Shelby County
Arrest Logs

Shelby County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition. Historical Coverage. Last Update: November 8, 2004.

Court Records
Administrative Office of the Courts statewide felony convictions. Results may include known aliases.

Hamilton County
Court Records

Clerk of Courts: Felony, Misdemeanor and Traffic records.

Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Tennessee for the last five years.

Sexual Offenders

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation registry of sex offenders who committed certain enumerated offenses on or after July 1, 1997. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Offender Registry

Statewide database of persons convicted of manufacture of methamphetamine since March 30, 2005

Database Searched Description Beginning
Brazoria County
Arrest Logs

Brazoria County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status,  Race, Height, Sex, Weight, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Bexar County
Arrest Logs

Bexar County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Cameron County
Arrest Logs

Cameron County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, Sex, Weight, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Denton County
Arrest Logs

Denton County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, Race, Height, Sex, Weight, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Ector County
Arrest Logs

Ector County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Harris County
Arrest Logs

Harris County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Montgomery County
Arrest Logs

Montgomery County Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Address, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, Race, Sex, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Bexar County
Court Records

District Court database of misdemeanor and traffic violations. Results may include known aliases.

Brazoria County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony and misdemeanor records. Historical Coverage. Last Update: June 13, 2006.

Collin County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony and misdemeanor records.

Comal County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony, misdemeanor and traffic records. Historical Coverage. Last Update: July 27, 2004.

Denton County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony, misdemeanor, traffic misdemeanor and traffic appeal records.

El Paso County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony and misdemeanor records. Historical Coverage. Last Update: June 3, 2004.

Fort Bend County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony and misdemeanor records.

Gregg County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony, misdemeanor and traffic records.

Harris County
Court Records
Court Records - County felony and misdemeanor records.
Johnson County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony, misdemeanor and traffic records.

Lamar County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony, misdemeanor and traffic records. Historical Coverage. Last Update: September 15, 2004.

Midland County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony and misdemeanor.

Montgomery County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony, misdemeanor and traffic records.

Parker County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony, misdemeanor and traffic records. Historical Coverage. Last Update: August 9, 2004.

Potter County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony and misdemeanor records.

Travis County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony, misdemeanor and traffic records. Historical Coverage. Last Update: August 19, 2005.

Tom Green County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony, misdemeanor and traffic records. Historical Coverage. Last Update: July 9, 2004.

Victoria County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony and misdemeanor records.

Waller County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony, misdemeanor and traffic records.

Williamson County
Court Records

Court Records - County misdemeanor and traffic records.

Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Texas for the last three years. Non-moving violations do not appear. Moving violations and suspensions will appear for five years. DWIs can be found indefinitely. SR Judgments can be found for eleven years.

Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year Texas Statewide Criminal Records.

Sexual Offenders

Texas Department of Public Safety registry submitted by criminal justice agencies representing a statewide source of information on sex offenders required by law to register. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Department of

Statewide felony and Class A & B misdemeanor convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Utah for the last three years. Accidents are reported only if convicted of a moving violation. Moving violations and withdrawals are reported for three years. Alcohol/Drug related violations are reported for six years. Mandatory convictions in a commercial vehicle are reported for ten years.

Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year Utah Statewide Criminal Records.


Sexual Offenders

Utah Department of Corrections registry of persons who have either been convicted of or entered a plea in abeyance to certain sex offenses. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Vermont for the last three years.

Sexual Offenders

Vermont Department of Public Safety sex offender registry. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Fairfax County
Court Records

Court Records - County felony, misdemeanor and traffic records. Historical Coverage. Last Update: July 21, 2005.

Court Records
Administrative Office of the Court database of criminal, traffic, and Civil for Circuit and District Courts. Results may include known aliases.

Department of

Statewide parole records. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Virginia for five years or seven years. Moving violations are reported for three years, except for speeding which is reported for five years. Reckless driving and DWI offenses are reported for eleven years. Suspensions are reported for up to 24 months from the compliance date.

Sexual Offenders

Virginia State Police registry of individuals convicted of violent sex offense(s). Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

*Consumer reports generated in connection with employment in Washington will not contain conviction information if more than seven (7) years have elapsed since the disposition, release, or parole date associated with such information.

You can manually search the Washington State Sex Offender Registry at
Database Searched Description Beginning
Court Records

Administrative Office of the Courts record of statewide felonies and misdemeanors. Results may include known aliases.

Department of

Statewide felony convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results. Historical Coverage. Last Update: November 12, 2006.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year Washington Statewide Criminal Records.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Arrest Logs

Statewide Booking Logs. Results may include Name, Case Filing Date, County, Party Status, DOB, Race, Height, SSN, Sex, Weight, Place of Birth, Eyes, Arrests, Case Type, Arrest Date, Arresting Agency, Arrest Type, Arrest Disposition Date, Court Fine, Offense, Arrest Statute, Agency Case #, Arrest Level/Degree, and Arrest Disposition.

Department of

Department of Corrections – includes felony convictions, misdemeanor sentenced and WV DOC offenders.  Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates, charges and image when available. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of West Virginia for seven years.

Sexual Offenders

West Virginia State Police registry of sexual offenders. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Court Records
Statewide Circuit Court record of felonies and misdemeanors. Results may include known aliases.

Department of

Statewide felony and some misdemeanor convictions. Results include identifying information, case numbers, dates and charges. Social security number and date of birth are often included with the results.

Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Motor Vehicle Driving
Records (MVR)

Driving records in the State of Wisconsin. Moving violations, suspensions/revocations are reported for five years from the date of conviction. Accidents are reported for four years from the date of the accident. Revocations based on damage judgment are reported for 20 years. Alcohol related or serious offense violations/convictions and commercial motor vehicle disqualifing offenses are reported for 55 years.

Court Searches
Trained court researchers are dispatched directly to the courthouse to search for seven-year Wisconsin Statewide Criminal Records.

Sexual Offenders

Wisconsin Department of Corrections registry of those individuals who were convicted of, incarcerated, or on supervision for a sex offense on or after December 25, 1993. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years
Sexual Offenders

Wyoming Attorney General Division of Criminal Investigation registry of persons determined by the court to be at a high risk of re-offending. Results include offense, offender photo (when available), and supplemental information that may include state of origin and minor victim indicator.

Database Searched Description Beginning
Locate possible evictions for a potential tenant.

7 Years

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